Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Silly Rabbit...

They're back!!!

Allow me to set the scene: It's around 1991, Trix has just become my favorite cereal, replacing long-standing favorite Frosted Flakes. I'm madly in love with these little colored balls, when some genius decides to change them into fruit shapes. Trix holds on to the top spot for a while, but only due to my loving memory of the ball-shaped variety. Eventually, Trix is replaced by Froot Loops (who, by the way, had an absolutely historic run in the list of Keith's favorite cereals - see below).

Flash forward to today: I'm at Target, aiming to fix my household lack of Total Raisin Bran, when I look over and see Trix. But it's not the lame fruit shapes I see, THEY ARE BACK TO THE COLORED BALLS!!! I am in no way kidding when I say I stood there, put my hand over my dropped jaw and quietly said "Oh my God". It was really quite touching. There were no witnesses, which I'm kind of glad about, as I may have been overreacting, but I got lost in the moment.

Appendix A: Keith's favorite cereals by year.
1978-1982 - no cereal preference, just taking whatever Mom is giving me
1983-1987 - Rice Krispies
1988-1990 - Frosted Flakes
1991-1992 - Trix
1993-2004 - Froot Loops (Seriously, can this ever happen again? 12 years? Incredible. The sad thing is that I may have already had my life's greatest cereal love, and I let it slip away. I'm sure I didn't truly appreciate it while it was happening, and now my best cereal years are probably behind me.)
2005 - Wheaties
2006 - Total Raisin Bran


Anonymous said...

I'd like to give a shout out to post selects blueberry morning cereal... If only more people knew how delicious you are!

p.s. seriously... who eats total raisin bran?

and p.p.s. you really let your freak flag fly with this entry!

Greg said...

Hey-- have you seen those Fruity Cheerios? Total rip-off of Fruit Loops, but supposedly better for you. Maybe you should check them out.

Total Raisin Bran is awesome, by the way.

Anonymous said...

How do wheaties become your favorite cereal? sure they taste all right, but they're far too boring to be someone's "favorite" cereal .... wait its coming to me. i just got a raging clue - 2004 is about the time you really got into basketball - Michael Jordan was a long time endorser of wheaties- therefore, wheaties have an undeniable connection with basketball,
hence, keith = wheatie's fan

honestly, i really think i put the hardy boys to shame, although i admit i cannot hold a candle to peter falk

anyway, i've always thought apple jacks and Oh's got a bad rap

p.s. 10 bucks to the first person who catches the raging clue reference

Keith said...

Frank - that's a South Park reference... that ten bucks will pay off half of my debt when Rashard Lewis doesn't end up averaging 8 boards. said...

My one true love throughout the '80s and '90s was Lucky Charms (probably because I got them once a year. F nutrition!) Then one day I tried them and realized the formerly beloved marshmallows made a terrible chalky crunch that make me shiver. End of the affair.

I'd say you gotta hit up the Smart Start or Special K with clusters, but they're so girlie they're one step away from just being called "Estrogen-Os"

Anonymous said...

You have Organic Rice Krispies, now. Does it taste any different than the plain jane original?

Chachi said...


Unknown said...

I too have had almost 3 decades worth of cereal stories. I'm what you call a cereal freak, but I did have a little issue back in 1984 during the great cereal scare. That's when I hit up on the Carnation Breakfast Bars and a giant glass of milk. I think those are what made me permanently and eternally fat. Damn those breakfast bars.

I started off with Cheerios… You know, what every mom gave their snot nosed kids. Than at age 3 I moved on to “Poo Poo Cereal.” This of course is a long story, but to the day, I still call it Poo Poo Cereal. Than came Peanut Butter Captain Crunch phase, which I’m still technically not out of, but I definitely don’t have to have it every day. Then 1984 was the breakfast bar switch-a-roo. That lasted till about 1987 when they changed their recipe. Then from ’87 till the mid 90s it was all Snap Crackle Pop and back to the Captain Crunch. Then some how I became the crunchy granola type… Low fat Kellogg’s granola with raisins… ohhh good stuff. That brought me to the 00s. Then I tried the special K something or rather… and I was addicted… but then soon realized with a trip to visit MO in 2003, that vanilla flavored bales of hay is where it’s at! So I’ve been addicted to the Vanilla Crème shredded wheat… but I think I’m again experiencing another recipe change and I’m not enjoying them like I use to. So now I’m stuck in this strange cereal rut. I’m not enjoying my bales of hay like I used to and want a change, but I can’t seem to stop buying them. I just don’t know what to do. I’ll take any suggestions. Thank you.

Traci Reid said...

This post is most excellent and captures what I most like about you Keith (even though i've never met you). You are spot on about the Trix balls.

And a shout out to Kate for the Lucky Charms comment. I used to get two bowls, pick out all the marshmallows (if you can call them that), put them into the small bowl and eat them separately. Used to....I still do!

Todd said...

I have a cereal love too,(weird- i think we could be related, maybe), although it is shorter than yours thanks to me being a baby boy still.

Todd's Appendix A:
1991-1997: moms cherrios, or no cereal preference at all ::gasp::

1998-2003: rice crispies, somehow they seem to be a childs favorite, maybe its the snap, crackle, and popping acting like some form of hypnotism as the soothing sound floats into your ear, high up to your cerebellum, near your limbic system

2004-early 2006: wheaties, not sure why, maybe because they dont get soggy. i hate soggy cereal

present: a mix..still wheaties with milk, but dry could be either lucky charms or cinnamon toast crunch

maybe i should give trix a try?

Anonymous said...

I agree with Sarah, Total Raisin Bran sucks.

There is your comment, are you happy now???

(Have a nice weekend!)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Sarah, Total Raisin Bran sucks.

There is your comment, are you happy now???

(Have a nice weekend!)

Anonymous said...

Ok the comment showed up twice, not sure what happened. Don't get all excited when you see 3 new comments from me.

Red said...

I like Cookie Crisp.

Chachi said...

Keith, can you buy a box and take a photo of it? I checked my local Target and they still have the crappy Trix.

Anonymous said...

I personally like the fruit Shaped trix, of coarse i grew up in the 90's so you know how it is
However my current favorite cereal is sold by my least favorite groccery store trader joe's. They make this cereal called Just the clusters. it is just Oat clusters and pecans it is awsome because oat clusters have always been my favorite part of cereals like honey bunches of oats

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!