Thursday, November 16, 2006

Just trying to rock your pants off

As most of you know, I write the occasional song. Sometimes I even write by request. If you ask me to write about feelings, relationships, joy or pain, you're going to be disappointed. But ask me to write about hating pants? I can DO that!

At Becca's this weekend, she told us a quick story, the punchline being "No pantalones!". It was then mentioned that this would make a great song title. But song titles need music and other words to surround them, and that's where I come in...

This is the result:

No Pantalones


Red said...

I feel like the rebuttal to your song would be We Don't Have To Take Our Pants Off by Jermaine Stewart.

Wait, I think it was "clothes," not "pants." Oh well. What does Jermaine know, anyway? He likes cherry wine.

Stefanie said...

Priceless. That was hilarious.

Anonymous said...

you're funny!

Killer said...

Awesome, I loved the discrete shout out to being a sexual predator.
Half way through I had my pants off. said...

Look Ma! I'm on TRL:

"Hi my name is Kate from Manhattan and I want to request 'No Panalones!' by Keith from Long Beach because it totally rocks!!!! WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"

don't call me MA'AM said...

Sweet chord structure, nice lyrics, and a nice beat you can really dance to. I give it a 97, yeah.

Very, VERY funny. Hope you will write me a song someday.